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Telford’s Forbo celebrates 100 years of Nuway


A company is marking the centenary of the manufacturing of one of its most popular products in Telford.

Forbo Flooring Systems is celebrating 100 years of its Nuway primary barrier matting.

Nuway is one of the most popular entrance flooring systems available on the market and continues to be manufactured in Telford with great levels of care, attention and skill going into each and every mat.

Donna Hannaway, Head of Marketing UK & Ireland for Forbo Flooring Systems, said: “We’re all very excited to be celebrating 100 years of Nuway; it’s a real landmark moment for us all – both for the team here at our Telford site and throughout the Forbo business.

“The fact that Nuway is also still the rigid entrance flooring system of choice throughout the market after production first began is testament to the system’s excellent durability and the expertise of our small Telford team.

“Nuway has a really fascinating history here at Telford, which we’ve explored through a centenary exhibition. This anniversary is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the product’s heritage and all those who have been and continue to be a part of its story along the way. It’s a landmark moment for us all.”

The site first began producing rubber matting made from recycled material, 100 years ago. From there, the Nuway range continued to evolve, with the ‘link mat’, which was available in 40 varieties, launched in the 1950s. This link matting was used in a range of settings, from boats to cars and even in factories.

The 1960s saw the development of Forbo’s best-selling double-sided system, Nuway Tuftiguard, which further pushed the boundaries of entrance flooring systems. By the 1980s PVC-coloured inserts were introduced, adding to the versatility of the offering, and in the 2000s, Nuway Grid and Nuway Connect were launched.

Now Nuway is a recognised market leader in engineered entrance flooring systems, offering a wide range of rigid single- and double-sided made-to-order mats.

It provides an outstanding first line of defence against dirt and moisture entering a building on the soles of shoes or treads of wheels.

It’s also available in a variety of designs, to function not only as an entrance flooring system, but to complement the wider interior flooring scheme.

Despite being entirely handmade, an amazing 18km2 of Nuway is made on average per year at the Telford site and is installed across the world in airports, train stations, shopping centres and schools.

Forbo is hosting a public open day on Saturday, October 5, from 10am-3pm, with locals, past employees and families welcome.

Source: Shropshire Star


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