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Prestigious award for Telford’s EPR Marketing

netty awards

A Telford business has won a prestigious award.

EPR Marketing has received a Netty Award for its social media marketing campaign on the Sports 2000 Racing Car Club.

The Netty Awards celebrate achievements in the digital landscape, honouring top companies and leaders across more than 100 distinct categories.

“It is an incredible honour to win at the Netty Awards,” said Elliot Rushton of EPR Marketing. “We put countless hours of work and creativity into the social media campaign and this award validates the hard work and dedication involved. I couldn’t be more proud.”

The campaign was focused on the Sports 2000 Car Championship.

“We were keen to lean on the history behind Sports 2000 Racing Car Club (SRCC) which has been racing since 1977 and has a number of notable alumni,” said Elliott.

“EPR Marketing’s approach improved social media reach to over 300,000 impressions compared to just 55,000 in the previous year significantly improving the visibility of the series.”

Source: Shropshire Star


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