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Hager UK open day will showcase manufacturing success


Telford electrical solutions specialist Hager UK is staging a family open day in July to hail its manufacturing success which coincides with National Manufacturing Day 2022.

Hager UK open day will showcase manufacturing success.

The firm is opening its doors on Saturday 16 July (11am-4pm) and the event follows on from National Manufacturing Day on 7 July – a celebration of manufacturing excellence across the UK.

Hosting the event at its Hortonwood site emphasises the firm’s ‘We are manufacturing’ mantra and demonstrates the importance of manufacturing within the business.

Over 200 Hager employees and their families have been invited to the event which will feature manufacturing presentations, product displays and site tours delivered by Hager’s manufacturing and technical teams.

There will also be music, children’s activities, competitions, a magician and a barbecue at the event for people to enjoy.

Established on the Telford site in 1993, Hager manufactures electrical distribution boards and delivers a series of electrical solutions up to 1600Amps

Hager has consistently invested in the site as its business in the UK market continues to grow and it now employs over 250 people in the UK.

Telford and Wrekin businesses are being invited to showcase their manufacturing prowess by supporting National Manufacturing Day.

The day organised by the Manufacturer’s Organisation Make UK is an opportunity for manufacturers across the borough to highlight the range of highly skilled and well paid jobs they offer.

Manufacturing in Telford and Wrekin is buoyant with the borough making a 17% GDP contribution compared with the 10% contribution nationally.

The industry makes up a significant part of Telford and Wrekin’s business base, creating hundreds of sustainable jobs and well defined career progression routes.

Martin Edwards, Director of Operations at Hager UK, said: “Manufacturing is a fundamental part of our business and is an area which has continued to grow.

“We are proud that our UK factory is based in Telford and that we continue to produce outstanding energy and electrical solutions for clients in the UK and around the world.

“The open day is an opportunity to bring employees and their families on site and share everything that’s good about our business.

“It ties in with National Manufacturing Day the week before and we are pleased to play our part in this national celebration.”

Telford & Wrekin Council is a member of Make UK – an organisation which champions engineering and manufacturing across the country.

Businesses in Telford which back the event will have the chance to promote potential careers and job vacancies within their local communities.

They can also use the day as a platform to showcase the diverse manufacturing sector and promote opportunities for school leavers, graduates and people looking to reskill at all levels.

Manufacturers can participate in a number of ways at any time throughout the day – from tours of their business to a full programme of events.

Telford & Wrekin Council’s business support team, Enterprise Telford, supports many local manufacturing businesses – helping them with their growth and progression.

Support includes skills and recruitment, advice on apprenticeships and other funded training, grants and funding.

Councillor Eileen Callear (Lab), Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet Member for Visitor Economy, Employment and Skills, said: “It’s fantastic that Hager UK is hosting this event which celebrates the strength of its manufacturing division’’.

“Manufacturing continues to grow in Telford and Wrekin, creating new job opportunities and career pathways for people of all ages across the Telford and Wrekin borough.

“Hopefully, Hager’s open day will encourage other local manufacturing businesses to support

National Manufacturing Day and highlight the success of the diverse manufacturing industry locally.”


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