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Business Profile

TW Co operative Council logo NEW 2022

Telford & Wrekin Council Community Services

Addenbrooke House
Ironmasters Way

Contact Info


Fiona Moore

Job Title

Team Leader – Community Support






We work with individuals, communities and voluntary community social enterprise organisations, encouraging them to develop community self-help.
1. To provide community capacity building support to organisations that contribute towards reducing the demand upon public services and that build resilient communities. The support we offer includes information and guidance in relation to practical start-up, support around governance, financial sustainability and ongoing project development and management.
2. We work with colleagues in Adult Social Care and Strengthening Families service to build effective links with community-based projects and activities and to consider alternative community-based service delivery to support clients accessing their services. This includes support for individuals or groups who are considering setting up a micro provider business that provides care and support for people in the borough.
3. We provide support to Elected Members in their role as Community Leaders to assist social action within specific neighbourhoods in the Borough.
4. Funding – providing support to voluntary community and social enterprise groups to access funding to develop projects that support council priorities.
5. Deliver consultation and equality activity in an effective way to ensure we understand who our customers are, what their needs are and how they can have their say to support the planning and delivery of Council services.
6. Lead on volunteering for the Council by:
 Delivering volunteer schemes on behalf of the Council
 Providing advice and guidance to services that identify opportunities for working with volunteers
 Make sure our volunteers are well looked after and supported
 Provide support, advice and partnership working externally to individuals, community groups and organisations.
 Manage the Volunteer Telford Website

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