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Sustainability – Andy Whyle

29 Damson Drive
The Rock

Contact Info


Andy Whyle

Job Title

Sustainability Practitioner – Consultant





Knowledge and Understanding are not the same. To deliver knowledge, you have to understand it. At S-AW we believe that we can change the way we all live and work, to create a sustainable world, because we have the experience to understand how to do it.
Andy Whyle is a multi-award winning Sustainability Specialist who has over thirty years’ experience of sustainable manufacturing. Andy’s ethos is to encourage networking of environmental best practice, explaining that environmental impact reduction and business benefits are synonymous, and that the path to sustainability is one that we should take together.

We support organisations to innovate and develop sustainable products and solutions, improving their environmental and business performance, whilst mitigating climate risks through –
– Sustainability Leadership and Strategy
– Sustainability ‘Dragon’ supporting and investing in sustainable product and process innovation
– Net Zero: Resource Efficiency / Circular Economy deployment,
– Natural Capital development,
– Networking and Collaboration

As an IEMA Fellow Andy has Chaired the Circular Economy Network and supported their Governance Reviews. Recognised as a Sustainability West Midlands Green Leader, a proven leading practitioner on a local, national and international basis. A subject matter expert on the circular economy, he co-authored the Business chapter of the Govt Office of Science – From Waste to Resource Productivity report, (utilised to create the Resources and Waste Strategy). His experience has been used to increase circularity in the UK and across the world.
A visiting lecturer at several universities, his experience has led to several best practice case studies, developing circular economy solutions.

Examples of sustainability leadership and collaboration past and present –

-Marches Business Environment Networks
-UK Resources Council
-IEMA Circular Economy Network / Planning and Policy
-National Industrial Symbiosis Program: Chair of West Midlands Program Advisory Group
-Sustainability West Midlands: Green Leader 2017 / Top 50 Green Leader 2010
-Telford Business Board Sustainability Sector Champion
-West Midlands Green Business Club Network: Chair
-WMCA Circular Economy Task Force
-UK Manufacturing Symbiosis Network + Advisory Board

Masters Degree program external validator and critical friend for several universities.
Guest lecturer for UCL, Harper Adams, Aston, UoN and Wolverhampton Universities

-Shropshire Wildlife Trust Trustee – Corporate Advocate for the Wildlife Trusts,
-Marches Local Nature Partnership

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