Shropshire estate agent Samuel Wood is hosting its third free webinar to help landlords understand the significant changes introduced by the Renters Rights Bill.
The online seminar, designed to help landlords safeguard their property portfolios and avoid potential fines or prosecution, will take place on Wednesday, February 12, from 6.30pm to 8pm.
The webinar will delve into the implications of the Renters Rights Bill 2025, which was last heard in parliament on January 14 and is expected to roll out in Spring 2025, with implementation anticipated from October.
Samuel Wood emphasises that this reform represents the biggest shake-up of the rental market since the Housing Act of 1989.
Louise Withers, Business Development Manager at Samuel Wood who is leading the webinar, said: “As a private residential landlord, understanding these significant changes is crucial to navigating the evolving landscape of rental regulations. Join us as we explore how this legislation will affect your rights and responsibilities, ensuring you’re well-equipped to adapt to the new legal framework.
“This reform is the biggest shake-up of the rental market since the Housing Act of 1989, more than 30 years ago,” she added.
During the session, experts from Samuel Wood will break down key provisions of the Bill, discuss the potential impact on rental agreements, and offer practical advice on compliance.
Alongside Louise, the panel of experts include Slawek Zalewski MARLA, Head of Lettings at Samuel Wood, Russell Griffin FNAEA MARLA, Co-Director and Andrew Cadwallader FNAEA MARLA, Co-Director.
Key topics covered in the webinar include:
– Abolition of Section 21 (no-fault evictions) and the new rules for regaining possession.
– New restrictions on rent increases and enhanced tenant rights.
– The Private Rented Sector Ombudsman and Database, including registration requirements and potential fines.
– The Decent Homes Standard and Awaab’s Law, focusing on compliance and avoiding penalties.
– New grounds for possession, updated notice periods, and restrictions on selling or moving back into a property.
– Rent Repayment Orders and how to avoid them.
Samuel Wood highlights several reasons why landlords should attend: staying ahead of the changes, gaining expert insights and practical advice, participating in a live Q&A session, avoiding penalties (up to £40,000 fines), and receiving a free market update.
Slawek Zalewski warned of a potential “compliance catastrophe” for uninformed landlords. “So many landlords could unknowingly fall foul of compliance simply through lack of knowledge,” he said, emphasising Samuel Wood’s commitment to educating and informing landlords across Shropshire.
Louise Withers added that some errors could result in hefty fines, banning orders, prosecution, and even imprisonment. “With increased legislative change, comes increased attention from local authorities,” she warned. “At Samuel Wood we want to support and inform landlords how to stay safe and compliant while enjoying the benefits of property investment.”
Interested participants can register for the free webinar by visiting
Source: Shropshire Live